Monday 30 January 2012

Ramblings from a person who wants to do more with their life.

“Live the life you love, love the life you live.” –Bob Marley.

 That quote’s been with me for a while. I’ve always loved it and today especially, I couldn't get it out of my head. My question is, why do people do stuff in life they hate? Yea sure, to make others feel good, to get more money, and to become famous. There are many reasons...but are they good ones? However, none of that matters in the end. You’re not going to care about how much money you had, how many celebrities you had as “friends”, or how many people you pleased, if you don’t even please yourself. None of it will matter. As you’re lying on your death bed, you’re going to look back at the memories that made you happy. Going through life and doing things you don’t like will result in you not having that many. So why not do something you love? That way you’ll remember your whole life in a positive manner. That’s what really counts. People don’t need lots of money to be happy, a successful career to be happy, and a million “friends” to be happy. Because in reality, those are all false things. They can all go away in a second, and your life would crumble to the ground. But if you had happiness? Well that would stay with you no matter what. A friend once told me his goal in life was to achieve happiness. I think that was the best answer to this question I've ever heard. In my opinion, that’s what everyone’s goal should be. Why go through life miserable when you know you could be happy? Is your happiness really worth pleasing others? I mean, don’t get me wrong! Try and make others happy. But don’t sacrifice your complete happiness for them and yes, I know there will be times in life where you won’t be happy, it’s a part of life. However, at least then you’ll always have those memories of happier times. And those will help you get through the rough times. Be happy with what you’re doing. With whom you are. That’s what matters, that’s what counts. So live the life you love, and love the life you live. Keep that thought running through your head every day, and try and live it out! Because otherwise? If you don’t, you’re going to be not the dwarf from Snow White. And I know this won’t mean much, coming from a teenager. I haven’t had to make that many big life changing decisions yet, but I know I will have to in the future. I’ll probably do what I told you guys not to, but afterwards? I’m going to think of this. I’m going to remember that quote, and I will try and make life as happy as can be.  Maybe not now, maybe not soon, but you can hold me to that, that I will someday try and achieve complete happiness.

From, a person who wants to do more with their life.
© Words from the Heart of a Rambler.

Friday 27 January 2012

Ramblings from an alien.

Real Promises. What are they? I have no idea. Why is that? Because in my world, there isn’t any. Maybe for some people there is, but I havn't seen any. There's a difference between real promises and promises. The difference? Promises are the only kind we have. Promises...things we say to other people to try and make them feel better, or to make us feel better. We say them to make it look and sound like we care. But in reality? We don't. People don't care about anyone but themselves. Except for a rare few. A couple aliens amongst the seas of monsters, otherwise known as society. Who would you rather be? A monster or an alien? Most people would say alien, because they know it's the right answer. They want to make themselves look good in the eyes of others. But what they don't know? Us aliens can see through their disguise. We can tell they don't care. We can tell we're not actually wanted. We can tell the truth from the lies. Their efforts are wasted. I wish they would give up pretending like they're actually going to do what they say. Because we all know they won't. Promises to do something? Lies. Promises to be something? Lies. Promises to be together forever? The biggest lie of them all. Don't believe it. All that comes from it is hurt and betrayal. At least that’s what I’ve gotten from it. If people want to do something, don't make me a promise. Do it. That way in the 99.9% chance you won''ll hurt less because you don't owe me what you didn’t promise. In this world, promises mean nothing. That's the difference between promises and real promises. I still haven't encountered a real promise. Most of me thinks I never will know what they're actually like. What it's actually like to have someone say something to you and mean it. What it's like to have someone be there for you no matter what. What it's like to actually have someone love you with all of their heart. But deep down inside...there's a sliver of me, a naive part, a hopeful part...that I will. I guess only time can tell. Thing is, who knows how much time we have on this earth? At any moment our life could be over. If I died tomorrow, I would not have had a real promise made to me. That’s pathetic. What's wrong with society? I can't even answer that. Why do people say things they don't mean? Can't answer that either. Why do people make promise they won't keep? Well that's something I'm still pondering. In the end, life has taught me some things. Some of them? Well don't trust anybody, don't let anyone in, and don't think promises will be kept. Expect the worst, and that way you won't be disappointed. So for all you monsters out there, and that's most of you, don't lie to me. Tell me the truth! It'll hurt less. Straight out tell me you won't do something! Tell me you don't care! Tell me you don't want me. For my pure alien friends? Well know that you’re not the only ones out there. Know that people are going through the same feelings you are having, every single one. And I’m not just saying that. I’m not going to promise you that everything will be okay...because I don’t know that. I don’t know what’s going to happen...but we can hope. That’s all we have. That, and each other. So I hope, I really do...that this world, these monsters...will smarten up. I hope they realize that being an alien...really isn't such a bad thing after all. In society aliens are viewed as being green things with big brains and from another world. But we have aliens on this world and they don’t have to be big headed, green, or come from a different universe. To be an alien, is to not follow society. To be different. We should try and prove to the world, that being an alien is not a bad thing. It’s a good thing. So be different, screw what everyone says! Be yourself, and watch out for those monsters. Especially the ones who will try to convince you that they’re not. Who will promise you they’re something different...they’re not. Be careful, and be you. Sincerely, your alien.

© Words from the Heart of a Rambler