Monday, 30 January 2012

Ramblings from a person who wants to do more with their life.

“Live the life you love, love the life you live.” –Bob Marley.

 That quote’s been with me for a while. I’ve always loved it and today especially, I couldn't get it out of my head. My question is, why do people do stuff in life they hate? Yea sure, to make others feel good, to get more money, and to become famous. There are many reasons...but are they good ones? However, none of that matters in the end. You’re not going to care about how much money you had, how many celebrities you had as “friends”, or how many people you pleased, if you don’t even please yourself. None of it will matter. As you’re lying on your death bed, you’re going to look back at the memories that made you happy. Going through life and doing things you don’t like will result in you not having that many. So why not do something you love? That way you’ll remember your whole life in a positive manner. That’s what really counts. People don’t need lots of money to be happy, a successful career to be happy, and a million “friends” to be happy. Because in reality, those are all false things. They can all go away in a second, and your life would crumble to the ground. But if you had happiness? Well that would stay with you no matter what. A friend once told me his goal in life was to achieve happiness. I think that was the best answer to this question I've ever heard. In my opinion, that’s what everyone’s goal should be. Why go through life miserable when you know you could be happy? Is your happiness really worth pleasing others? I mean, don’t get me wrong! Try and make others happy. But don’t sacrifice your complete happiness for them and yes, I know there will be times in life where you won’t be happy, it’s a part of life. However, at least then you’ll always have those memories of happier times. And those will help you get through the rough times. Be happy with what you’re doing. With whom you are. That’s what matters, that’s what counts. So live the life you love, and love the life you live. Keep that thought running through your head every day, and try and live it out! Because otherwise? If you don’t, you’re going to be not the dwarf from Snow White. And I know this won’t mean much, coming from a teenager. I haven’t had to make that many big life changing decisions yet, but I know I will have to in the future. I’ll probably do what I told you guys not to, but afterwards? I’m going to think of this. I’m going to remember that quote, and I will try and make life as happy as can be.  Maybe not now, maybe not soon, but you can hold me to that, that I will someday try and achieve complete happiness.

From, a person who wants to do more with their life.
© Words from the Heart of a Rambler.

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